Thursday, June 24, 2010

Who Are You?

Who are you?
I think I remember you,
Laughing with me on dark nights,
Driving around with the windows down.
I think I remember you,
Sitting together, loved,
Splashing in the pool,
Breaking into the house.
Who are you?
I think I remember you;
I shared with you the dark secrets I thought weren’t worth sharing.
I remember telling you my confusions,
Admitting to you freely that I didn’t know the answer.
I think I remember you;
Discussing strange dreams,
Imparting happily our hopes,
Supportive, kind, united.
I think I remember you,
When we started to fall apart.

Who are you?
I think I remember you,
When those dark nights grew silent,
And the radio prevented speech.
I think I remember you,
Sitting apart, confused,
Swimming alone,
Locked up by yourself.
Who are you?
I think I remember you;
The things I thought worth sharing, I couldn’t tell you.
When I tried to tell, you wouldn’t listen;
More than ever I needed someone to know that I didn’t know.
I think I remember you;
You took my dreams,
You hid your hopes,
Unsupporting, unkind, detached.
I think I remember you
When we fell apart.

Who are you?
I think I remember you,
As I stare at your pictures,
I wonder who you are.
There’s a woman there,
A woman I hoped never to see,
A woman who has been broken,
Who has allowed life to dictate her being.
I think I remember you,
But I can’t find you anymore.
Best friend, loved one, sister,
I cannot call you anymore.
I was afraid of this;
I asked God to take care of you.
I wonder when you will understand
That what you have is not enough.
That passion for Christ that fades and wanes,
And burns suddenly before flaring out
It will not remain,
It will not last.
I think I remember you,
When you forgot.

Who are you?
I can’t remember you.
Were you ever my friend?
Did I know you from school?
That sisterly bond;
Was it of God?
Or was it a chance
To talk about boys?
Who are you?
I can’t remember you.
Your face, it looks familiar,
But I can’t place it.
Who are you?
I think I remember you.
Are you still following God?
Or are you still following love?
Who are you?
What is this beautiful face,
The seductive grin,
The bitten lip…
Who are you?
I don’t remember you;
That expression, it scares me,
I don’t know who you are.
Who are you?
I can’t remember you, my friend.
I can’t remember you.

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