Sunday, April 18, 2010


When your foundation crumbles beneath you,

Come, stand on me.

When your heart is broken within you,

Come, cry to me.

When your view is collapsing around you,

Come, look at me.

When your sky is falling above you,

Come, hide in me.

When your friends have all betrayed you,

Come, stay with me.

When your family has disowned you,

Come, run to me.

When your life is ebbing away from you,

Come, be renewed in me.

When your everything is nothing, and everything has been taken from you,

Come, let your everything be me.

For I cannot crumble;

I cannot break;

I will not collapse;

I cannot fall;

I will not betray;

I will not disown;

I will not ebb away;

I will not leave you nor forsake you.

I AM enough,

For I AM.

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