Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Unaccepted Explanation

Explain to me
whose hands are these,
which hold me in my need.

Explain to me
whose ears are these,
which hear despite their creed.

Whose arms are these
which carry me,
though I deserve to fall?

Whose eyes are these,
which cry for me,
though they know me not at all?

Explain to me
whose words are these,
which heal despite disease.

Explain to me
whose feet are these,
which walk despite their grief.

Explain to me
who'd take my place,
if I were sentenced to death.

Jesus, you say?
The only way?
Oh, please. Don't waste your breath.

A little something I jotted down reflecting on how people can be astonished by how morally great Jesus sounds, but as soon as they hear His name, they dismiss it. Sometimes our explanation is unacceptable to people.

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