Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I am worth it.

It's like a mantra we must chant to ourselves in order to make us believe it.

I am worth it.

Girls are fragile. Yes, they can be tough, and yes, they can be strong, but most of the time, girls are just fragile. It's not a bad thing. They are made this way. They are very emotional creatures, even when acting emotionless. That's because girls are very complex.

I am worth it.

A girl's worst fear seems to lie in not being enough. This is silly, of course. Not enough for whom? What person is enough?

I am worth it.

And what is it? Worth time? Worth effort? Worth loving? Worth losing? What is it girls want to be worthy of, exactly? Glory? Power? Existence?

I am worth it.

What is a girl worth, after all? There are millions of girls on this planet; why is it that they all desire some sense of worth?

I am worth it.

What if it's not about worth? What if it's not about earning something? What if girls stopped trying so hard to attain something without knowing what it is? What if girls realized that worth only comes from ones own perspective? No person can measure the worth of another person. Why is it that girls don't understand this?

I am worth it.

I know this, because my worth doesn't lie in other people. I love myself. I love myself even when I hate myself, because no other person in this entire universe can be me. It doesn't matter what I look like or what I wear or how people treat me. My worth doesn't lie in how I treat others, or what I eat for breakfast or how often I exercise. My worth doesn't lie in anything but the fact that I am.

I am worth it.

My worth lies in the fact that I am constantly changing. My existence relies on change--my worth lies in the fact that I am different from the person I was a moment before. At the beginning of this post, I was another person, and now, I am different. Even as I write this, I am changing. This is how people are, this is how they exist. Each moment is a new moment, and in each moment, I am a new person. Nothing can tie me to the previous moment but myself. People will try to make sure that doesn't happen. People love to arrest change, to stunt growth, to make sure you are trapped in the body of the person you were moments and minutes, and days, and months, and years ago. People like to limit other people's worth in order to determine his or her own worth.

I am worth it.

People constantly change. I want to reiterate this fact. No matter how much they hold on to things, they are always changing.

I am worth it.

The only way to compare worth, however, is if it has discontinued change. This is what people don't seem to really understand. As constantly changing creatures, we are not comparable. The only thing we can compare our person with is the person we were moments before. We can only measure us against ourselves.

I am worth it.

Which is why it's silly that we girls have a problem with worth, and even more silly that we limit it to girls. We like to blame everyone else and say society puts so much more pressure on girls to be something of worth. But we are society.

I am worth it.

So who are you now? And who will you be in a moment, a minute, a day, a month, a year?

You will be you.

And you are worth it, because you are.

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